Uber fuels the Jamaica Paralympic Association events for 2024



Uber has announced a sponsorship of USD$12,500 to the Jamaica Paralympic Association (JPA) as part of its global social impact initiative focused on improving accessibility and mobility for people with disabilities, facilitating movement for all people is fundamental to Uber’s mission.

”We are proud to sponsor and support Jamaica and its para-athletes, who inspire us with their determination and talent. This support demonstrates our commitment to inclusion and accessibility. We want everyone to move with confidence and freedom regardless of their abilities. We celebrate these athletes and are excited to support their participation every step of the way” explained Uber.

Christopher Samuda, President of the JPA, expressed gratitude towards Uber’s strategic support, noting: “This support is invaluable, as it will assist us to prepare our athlete better for competition and will facilitate more inclusive sporting opportunities for the abled with a difference. Partnering with Uber comes at a great time as it further strengthens our call for using sport to enable independent mobility for persons with disabilities as they pursue their dreams and aspirations”.

Uber’s sponsorship extends beyond Jamaica and is part of a global initiative that also includes countries such as France, Spain, Ireland, Costa Rica, and Colombia, among others.