Police clears blockade of US- Canada border


Police have started to clear a blockade of the main crossing between Canada and the United States.
After days of protests by truckers against Covid rules at the Ambassador Bridge in Ontario, officers urged them to heed an injunction against the demonstration.
The vital trade route links Windsor, Ontario, with Detroit, Michigan.
Truckers’ protests against Covid vaccine mandates are also ongoing at other border crossings and in Ottawa.
Friday’s court order against the blockade was filed by the city of Windsor and the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association, which argued that it was losing as much as $50m ($39m; £29m) per day because of the convoy.
Following the injunction, Windsor Police put out a statement to “make demonstrators clearly aware that it is a criminal offence” to block the border crossing. The police added that a criminal conviction could lead to the seizure of vehicles and the inability to enter the US.