Phased Reopening for Barbados Come Feb 28

Prime Minister Mia Mottley announced Thursday that when a three-and-a-half-week lockdown ends on February 28, businesses will be allowed to reopen in phases, but a 7:00pm to 6:00 am curfew will remain in place.
Motley said the “science and efforts of all, recognise sharp shutdown but gradual reopening”, and that was the approach her government was advised to take “and it is the one that they shall take”.
Barbadians have been on a “national pause” since February 3, with most commerce reduced to a bare minimum.
Supermarkets, bakeries, gas stations were among the handful of businesses allowed to operate during the period.
However, Mottley said that from March 1, construction, agriculture, fisheries, auto repair and manufacturing services will also be allowed to resume.