Jah Cure has left fans in Nairobi, Kenya disappointed?


Apparently, Jah Cure has left fans in Nairobi Kenya, disappointed during the Umoja Splash Festival, on Saturday night.

According to sources, a poor stage performance by the main act, a malfunctioning sound system and shortage of alcohol for the revelers are what summed up an overly under-whelming show.

They say that on the stage, despite making a dramatic entrance at exactly 2:15am Nairobi time in a full traditional Maasai attire, a rungu and mic on either hand and an escort of six Maasai Morans, Jah Cure did not live up to his high billing.

Right from the start, Jah Cure got off on the wrong footing. Soon after coming on stage, Jah Cure was met with a sound glitch with his mic malfunctioning. The most annoying thing was that for almost 10 minutes he seemed not to notice until the crowd got agitated.

Once the mic had been fixed, Jah Cure sent the crowd wild with his first words on the mic.. A few minutes later, he left the stage to go back stage for a change of clothes.

But then he took long to get back, something that didn’t seem to please the fans.

When he got back, he only made things worse as he resorted to letting the crowd sing to his hits as he took the role of a ‘cheerleader’.

Jah Cure hardly finished performing a song. He also took considerable amount of time talking to the crowd in between his performance with “I Love you Kenya” being his pet phrase, throughout the night.

By 3:30am many revelers had enough and started leaving.