Kim Kardashian has finally passed the baby bar after two years of studying and three attempts at taking it. The Baby Bar is also known as First-Year Law Students’ Examination.

The reality star and entrepreneur made the announcement on her Instagram Monday morning with a lengthy post,

“OMFGGGG I PASSED THE BABY BAR EXAM!!!! Looking in the mirror, I am really proud of the woman looking back today in the reflection. For anyone who doesn’t know my law school journey, know this wasn’t easy or handed to me”. She went on to say, “I failed this exam 3 times in 2 years, but I got back up each time and studied harder and tried again until I did it!!! I did have COVID on the 3rd try w a 104 fever but I’m not making excuses”.

She also thanked those who have been helping her along the way.

“A big thank you to @vanjones68 who talked me into going to law school in the first place before introducing me to @jessicajackson and @edyhaney who have brought me along to watch their every move in the courtroom”.